Web development
Seasoned web developer. Expert in HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.
I have a passion for learning and teaching.
I would love to see eLearning become more personalized.
Who am I
I’m Jeff Batt. I am an accomplished professional with solid history of using technical and leadership strengths to solve specific and measurable needs for organizations through training, development, and engagement of employees. Strong background in curriculum development and design of eLearning solutions. Outstanding project and product management skills with demonstrated ability to oversee project from concept to successful delivery. Collaborative leader experienced in partnering with internal and external stakeholders to identify and develop effective learning solutions.
I am always learning and trying to improve my skills. I love web development and iOS development. I love sharing what I learn through YouTube, Udemy, Pluralsight or while speaking at a conference. You can see all my interest on my LinkIn Profile.
Read MoreWhat I Do?
Seasoned web developer. Expert in HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.
I have over 10 years of experience in eLearning development, with experience in several standard tools.
I love iOS development and have built several apps and taught several iOS courses.
See Latest Training
Displaying audio and video on the web is only scratching the surface with what you can do using HTML5 media. Using simple media events and methods, you can trigger user interaction at different points in your media file. In this course...
Learn to build highly interactive online and mobile courses with Articulate Storyline 360 or 3. It’s simple enough for beginners, powerful enough for experts. In this course you will learn to master the skills of creating engaging online training...
Take your web development skills to the next level with animation! Animate.css makes it easy to animate any HTML object with two simple classes. Learn to control when an animation starts, what happens when an animation completes...
Get started with xAPI, learning how it works and how to track learning behavior from anywhere.
Create beautiful HTML5 web content. interactive web animations made w/ Tumult Hype 3 work on desktops and mobile devices...
Appcelerator allows you to build an app once and publish it everywhere without having to learn new code languages or duplicate across multiple platforms...
See Latest News
In October, I facilitated a Morning Buzz session about personalized learning at DevLearn 2017 Conference & Expo in Las Vegas.
“We should design for mobile first.” I am sure by now we have all heard this phrase.
What if your digital learning could adapt, adjust, read, and assess the needs of each of your “digital students,” then serve up a personalized course specific to them?